Athena incorporates the most recent technologies. All components of ATHENA are web-based, allowing the users, either students, parents, teachers, administrative users or managers, to work from any location and from any device available, such as computers, laptops or smart phones. Thus, users are provided with an exceptional flexibility, a great speed of reaction and a user-friendly environment. These technologies also allow an increased degree of data safety, either for data loss, for data protection or for GDPR compliance.
State of the art
We use the most successful software tools in the global market (.net, Oracle database, Elastic Search, Jasper Report Server to name a few) in order to deliver state of the art software and to maximize user experience.
ATHENA is built with cloud architecture; it provides a web interface, with centralized application and data hosting. This eliminates the need for maintenance and data backup.
It is also fully responsive to screen resolution changes, which makes it suitable for use in mobile platforms and devices, regardless of operating system.
We use well established architectures and third party security systems such as KeyCloak in order to make ATHENA impermeable to attacks to the maximum possible degree. On top of it we implement our own security processes to manage roles and users in a multi-dimensional matrix of functions, reports and parts of the academic tree.
ATHENA was designed as an n-tier enterprise system, comprising a multitude of separate technologies and subsystems, all interconnected through web services and a common RESTful API.
The middleware of the application undertakes to connect these subsystems and to provide a common language of communication between them.
The system is divided into specific elements, as shown in the scheme:

* Application Gateway
* Web Application Frontend
* Identity Management & SSO
* Report Server
* Elasticsearch Cluster
* Data Base
* Entreprise Middleware
* Document Management System